“It came in like a wrecking ball.”
– ala Miley Cyrus
Your birthday passed and I spent the next 3 days in my chair. I knew it was coming. I thought I was prepared but it hit me hard. It was like being slammed into by a freight train. I had the train schedule but I couldn’t get out of the way. So I sat. For days. And then it hit me (no pun intended). That time (who knew it would be your last Halloween) when you dressed up like a wrecking ball. And I decided to turn my freight train into a wrecking ball and I finally laughed. There is no getting out of the way of grief. You have to let it hit you head on. But if you stay with it long enough, and let your heart hurt, and be patient with yourself, those beautiful moments will start to shine through. It has been 33 months. I cherish every single moment I ever had with you. Forever.
Love you