22 Months: Apr 8, 2016

By April 8, 2016 March 16th, 2017 Journey

Definition: “keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss”
Synonyms: “anguish, heartache, woe, misery, sadness, melancholy, moroseness”
Antonyms: “joy”

Definition: “an instrument for determining directions”.
Synonyms: “purview, sphere, realm, domain”
Antonyms: “freedom, infinity, release”

Grief Compass:
Definition: the way in which I now strive to live my life – with grace, discipline, gratitude and passion. Symbolized by the four element signs: air for grace (E); earth for discipline (S), water for gratitude (W) and fire for passion (N).

Is it a coincidence that this is how my beautiful daughter lived her life – with grace, discipline, gratitude and passion? It has taken me 22 months to find a way to find my way. May I never forget that to live with grace one accepts what is, to live with discipline provides strength to accept, to live with gratitude means we honor what we have and what we had, and to live with passion is to embrace what is in front of us.

Next time you see me I would love to tell you more about my grief compass because in the process I can tell you more about my daughter and the life she led. Thank you for listening.