“It takes strength to make your way through grief, to grab hold of life and let it pull you forward.”
Life is an accumulation of experiences. We remember them in our minds. We relive them in our stories. We capture them in our mementos. We hold them in our hearts. Six months ago we embarked on a new adventure heading back to the future. Back to where we experienced the joys of raising our children. Back to be with a son whose life is exploding with joy, so that we don’t have to miss a minute. Back to the memories that we are hopefully now able to confront of the daughter who is no longer here to share in that joy. We left 10 years ago to find the sun. We returned, bringing with us a memento that holds that sun, even under a blanket of snow, and reminds us that the pain of our forever-broken hearts is also the gift that enables us to be grateful for every experience yet to come.
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m so happy we’ve both returned to Michigan — and are more connected with our sons and friends here. Love that we’re able to see each other more frequently and share the experiences as we embark on the next phase of our lives.
You have always been there and now thankfully we are right nearby!
Well said!! Love this month’s message. So glad you are writing again! It’s been 24 months for me since Don’s passing. Forever grateful for the memories!
Love, Janice
Forever grateful with you!
Sending so much love for you on this next leg of the journey. xoxoxoxox
Thank you so much my special friend!
Lisa, I really miss your smile but am so grateful for your words of wisdom. I do hope we can keep in touch. You bring so much joy to your friends and readers. Lots of hugs.